It’s about time I bit the bullet and built a photography website for the domain I purchased almost one year ago.
Right now it’s really REALLY rough. I can’t count on external services to host my images reliably, plus I demand complete artistic control (regardless of my exercise of that option or not, and so far, I have not!).
So this brings me to the first of the logos I cobbled together that I like. I’ll stare at this for a few days, let it percolate, fester, metastasize, whatever it’s going to do.

I’m not 100% convinced this is the final iteration, but I like this, so far.
Background is from an image I shot last week. I wanted something more than a simple black background, something in itself that was at least mildly interesting for the first time viewer.
Opinions, are solicited, and generally appreciated. Of course, I reserve the right to edit, delete or flat out block comments and users as I see fit.
This is what I have atop the page right now. Sure, it’s not bad and I might end up sticking with it, but do I love it.. No.