Finding a race dash brace for the 749 was far harder than I thought it would be. Nobody listed the part new, so it was off to eBay I went. Even there the options were very slim. I found one in Europe, and another here on the West Coast of the US.
The part in Europe was one of the highest recommended solutions, but price was over $150 not including the costs and issues with international shipping. The other option was a part made by Lockhart Philips, located just 70 miles north of me in Santa Rosa. I pulled the trigger on the local part and had it within a couple of days.

Having removed the street bodywork last week, I found that having it on the floor was not a good option, so a quick trip to the hardware store to get some bicycle hangers solved the problem. Up, safe, and out of the way.

With the street bodywork away, the search is one for suitable track bodywork. Much like the race brace, it’s not the simplest to find. More information on that once I have my decision made in that regard.
Having the bodywork issue resolved, and the race brace in hand, the front assembly for headlights and dash were dispensed with. Despite the size, they were not nearly as heavy as I had anticipated. But they were a little challenging to remove with more than 9 bolts holding the two halves together, and another 4 attaching them to the frame. Access to some of the bolts was not the simplest either. Never the less, it’s done.

After a couple of hours of test fitting and trying to decide where to mount the fuse block, the bracket was installed and the wires tidied up.

The updated view of the cockpit.