Photos of my new SC10 body in progress, along with the final result.
Test fitting the new body, and marking for the body clip posts:
Masked and ready for paint:
Primary color applied. This silver does not adhere well, so I had to apply 4 main coats:
After the 4 main coats of silver, 2 rounds of spot touch-ups were required:
Next the detail colors were laid down. First the Competition Orange applies to fenders and sides. Next was the black layer for door stripes, and finally, a small layer of white for the detail stripe down the door stripe center. My experiment in using Sharpie pens to add some line detail to the body, mostly failed. I was able to apply the lines with acceptable results, but contact with the paint caused the lines to start bleed, making them puff-up, which is what you see in the photos. Big, soft Stay-Pufft like lines. It was a useful experiment.
After completing all the layers and a little touch-up in corners, all the masks are removed to reveal the bare painted shell.
Finally, the end result, at least for now. A small amount of decals applies to give it some visual interest. The challenge here is to resist the urge to over-do the decals. I have piles of them, and the temptation to turn the thing into 3lb. rolling bill-board is sometimes bothersome.
A few of you may have noticed that this is not a Team Associated body, in fact it’s manufactured by their main rival. I selected this body for several reasons:
- Price – it was $10 cheaper
- Design – body has high wide wheel openings
- Convenience – body was already fully trimmed.
Do you know who made it?