AppShopper has link to the App listed under ‘Utilities’. So far not enough rating activity has occurred to report.
Site is also showing no ratings for the app at this time.
GiveApp in Japan is currently listing the App as well. No reviews or comments yet.
This site seems to be giving it a score of -1 right now. I’d sure like to find out why.
Currently only a couple of hits, not reviews or comments yet.
No comments or ratings. Plus the HTML the scrapped off another site (AppShopper.com) has one of the screen shots overlaying the text. Nice.
DeMartini Videos
OK, this one is out there. It’s one of those click aggregation, sites. And no, I did not include the link, if you want to send them click revenue, you can find it with Google, it’s on the LAST page or results. Currently my App is no longer mentioned, but the cached version on Google shows it was pulled / scraped off another page because of my last name. And no, I am not related (as far as I know) to that clown at Electronic Arts in San Mateo.
If you’d like to find out more, and possibly pick up a copy yourself, click on the App Store icon.
Price: 99 cents