Getting the gearmand deamon running. Should be simple work, yet, as with a lot of thing in the software world, it’s not quite that simple. My first attempt to start up gearmand failed with the following error:
Corsa-3:~ root# gearmand
Error creating socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
Corsa-3:~ root#
Now, I’m not sure why that would be the case, since I checked the system process list and did NOT see any other instance of gearman executing (if you are not sure what you are looking at, the only thing found matching gearman, was the grep against the process list itself, not what I’m looking for)
Corsa-3:~ root# ps -ealf | grep gearman
0 33324 32942 4006 0 31 0 2425520 168 - R+ 5bb5a80 ttys000 0:00.00 grep gearman 0:00.00
A check of netstat did not reveal a listener on either of the known gearman ports (7003 or the new official port: 4730 ).