Looking back at 12 years of blog posts, photographs and tech articles, today I’m pulling up some of my favorite photos from years past.
Photo descriptions include a link to the story where it originally appeared.

Looking back at 12 years of blog posts, photographs and tech articles, today I’m pulling up some of my favorite photos from years past.
Photo descriptions include a link to the story where it originally appeared.
Weather finally improved over the last week in Central Texas, and that means “The Boy” is up and flying, working on his private pilot license. I often take my “good” camera to the airfield because you never know what sort of activity you will capture.
Here are some of the highlights:
Beech V35 Bonanza on the appron at KHYI (San Marcos, TX)
Civil Air Patrol Cessna 182T at KHYI (San Marcos, TX)
2008 Mooney M20TN at KHYI (San Marcos, TX)
2008 Mooney M20TN at KHYI (San Marcos, TX)
CAF C-47 – Led 800 planes over the beach in Normandy France.
A few days ago, I posted the first test video shot using 30 second exposures with a GoPro3 camera, located at our home in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
For my next test series I set the GoPro3 Camera, to fire the photos at 10 second intervals. The number of photos captured before the battery expired was almost 1100, netting a much longer and smoother looking video.
After having so many foggy photos (see blog entry) I decided to fab a quick hood out of cardboard to see if it would help in any way. It’s not pretty. I didn’t want to invest a bunch of time in something nice if this wasn’t going to work. It’s an MVP if you will… with quality to match! LOL
This is what the current camera orientation looks like during daylight hours:
Checking the camera the next morning, it seemed to have helped out quite a bit. We had some deer drop by for about an hour or so. Instead of the normally fuzzy images, these came our a lot better.
My plan is to move the camera again, maybe to a higher point and aim it downward, using the camera body to provide more cover for the lens. So far this is my most favored location, but I’m not done experimenting quite yet.
Each morning that I get up and check the camera, there is a lot of dew upon it, including the lens. It has a small built in cover but it’s not enough to keep it from getting clouded.
Last night around 2:00 AM we had what looks like you coyote visitor again… but.. as you can see, the blur is from the water collected on the face of the lens housing.
Video is the same story. Little 10 second clip shows the animal strolling off. Definitely some sort of canine.
I think the next step is to look for a small birdhouse, and use that to possibly house the camera and keep the dew from forming on the lens. When it was positioned under an overhang, the dew didn’t seem to be an issue. That is my though process regardless.
Below are photographs of the Air Force’s latest superiority fighter, the F-22 Raptor. In addition, there are also photos of the USAF Heritage Fly-by with the F-22 and P-51 Mustang in tight formation.
Photos taken at the 2015 California International Air Show – Salinas California.
Having just returned from the smoggy skies and urban jungle of L.A., a walk to the beach was mandatory for the last day of a nice long weekend.
Here are some photos from that walk.
It is that time again. When we (well, some people) celebrate the Rising of the Christ. And along with that, goes what I guess is the pagan tradition of the Easter Egg. No matter. It’s a time for the family to goof around and explore some artistic expression.
These are the results. Each of the thumbnails will bring up a larger image.
Some eggs are ‘interesting’, some are messy, some are pretty standard fare. All photos taken in my home studio, using a Canon 50D + Canon 70-200 f/2.8L lens and 600 watts of color-corrected 5600k light, bounced off two Profoto reflectors. Subjects are placed 8′ in front of a black drop.
Now, I hope the Easter Bunny can find a place to hide them all!
First post to new mind-dump.