Installing CasperJS the compiled way

Installing CaspeJS from source is always fun, so I’m going to tell you how.

Step 1 – Get the source code

Getting the source code from CasperJS website. As of 16-OCT-2015 when I write this, the following command worked. When a new version is released.. this link might go away.. so.. a little hunting might be needed on your part.

The CaseperJS website is located HERE ( ).


Step 2 – unpack the files

Unpack the files and prepare for compiling:


Step 2 – build it

Installing PhantomJS 2 on Ubuntu

phantomjs-logoIt’s a gamble to do this, and according to the build script it’s going to take a long time to complete the compile / install of Phantom 2.0.

Step 1 — locate the source, download and unzip:

Length: 110092872 (105M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’

creating: phantomjs-2.0.0/
inflating: phantomjs-2.0.0/.gitignore
inflating: phantomjs-2.0.0/tools/
inflating: phantomjs-2.0.0/tools/qscriptengine.h
inflating: phantomjs-2.0.0/tools/

Step 2 — install required dependencies

You may or may not have most of these on your Ubuntu system. I found that most of these were required to start the PhantomJS build.Here are the ones that I’ve confirmed I needed:

  • autoconf2.13
  • ruby
  • pkg-config
  • libicu-dev
  • gperf
  • bison
  • libjpeg-dev
  • g++
  • openssl
  • libtool
  • libssl-dev
  • libpng-dev
  • libpng12-dev
  • libjpeg-dev
  • fontconfig
  • sqlite
  • fontconfig
  • libsqlite0
  • qt5-qmake
  • xorg
  • xorg-dev
  • xutils-dev
  • xcb-proto
  • libxcb-xkb-dev
  • x11proto-core-dev
  • libxcb-render-util0
  • libqt5webkit5-dev

Installing the packages went smoothly:

apt-get install autoconf2.13 ruby pkg-config libicu-dev gperf bison libjpeg-dev g++ openssl libtool libssl-dev libpng-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev fontconfig sqlite fontconfig libsqlite0 qt5-qmake xorg xorg-dev xutils-dev xcb-proto libxcb-xkb-dev x11proto-core-dev libxcb-render-util0 libqt5webkit5-dev

Step 3 — Build Freetype from source and link

Following this I grabbed the source code to install freetype2. Although freetype successfully installed, the required header files where not found. I decided it was bet to grab it and build from source:

gunzip freetype-2.6.tar.gz
tar xvf freetype-2.6.tar
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating
config.status: creating
config.status: creating ftconfig.h
config.status: executing libtool commands
make & make install
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./builds/unix/ftconfig.h \
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /usr/local/freetype-2.6/objs/ftmodule.h \
/usr/bin/install -c -m 755 ./builds/unix/freetype-config \
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./builds/unix/freetype2.m4 \
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./builds/unix/freetype2.pc \
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /usr/local/freetype-2.6/docs/freetype-config.1 \

Now following that build, due to some inexplicable continuous oversight on the part of freetype’s maintainers.. OR.. phantom.. a link has to be make so that the build process can find the actual libraries required:

ln -s /usr/include/freetype2/freetype /usr/include/freetype

Step 4 — Install an updated version of libxkbcommon

Get the latest version.. and build it:
gunzip libxkbcommon_0.5.0.orig.tar.gz
tar xvf libxkbcommon_0.5.0.orig.tar
cd libxkbcommon-0.5.0

Step 5 — hack QtBase

After many times running thorough the process and resolving errors.. I decided to manually build QTBase. To do this I moved to the source directory for it under PhantomJS, and used this configuration command to get past a libxcb error:

cd src/qt/qtbase
./configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -qt-xcb
./configure -opensource
make install

Step 6 — build

Now script. NOTE: if you are executing the compile on a VM (or in this case AWS), it’s recommended that the build process Does Not try to run parallel build jobs on the virtual cores. The PhantomJS website was not clear (to me) why.. but it did recommend using the –jobs 1 flag on the build.. which I am doing. You may omit that if you’d like to experiment.

cd phantomjs-2.0.0

./ –jobs 1

Building PhantomJS from source takes a very long time, anywhere from 30
minutes to several hours (depending on the machine configuration).
We recommend you use the premade binary packages on supported operating

For details, please go the the web site:

Do you want to continue (y/n)?

NOTE: If you want to suppress the warning regarding perils of the long compile, you an use the –confirm flag to bypass the question. This is really helpful if you want to background the process and write it to a log. Where I find this most beneficial is when I want to/need to close the terminal window before the compile completes.

Here is an optional method of running that will background the process, auto-reply to the warning and write to a log file:

nohup ./ –confirm –jobs 1 > build.log &

You might carp about not being able to monitor progress now! Well sure you can.. just do a following tail on the file. Exact command varies with system, I’ll provide the one for typical LINUX and for typical OSX:

For typical LINUX:
tailf build.log

For typical OSX:
tail -f build.log

Step 7 — check the binary

Once the build has completed, you will find the binary to be built in the local directory bin/

ls -l bin/phantomjs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 56587060 Sep 30 17:16 bin/phantomjs

To complete the installation, you’ll need to replace the current phantomjs binary with the new one. To find the location if your current binary (if you have one), this should work:

whereis phantomjs
phantomjs: /usr/bin/phantomjs

Copy the new binary to that location and verify version:

cp bin/phantomjs /usr/bin/phantomjs
cp: overwrite ‘/usr/bin/phantomjs’? y

phantomjs -v

YOU ARE DONE!! It was just that easy


So, you’re running a proxy (say, something like TOR) on your locallopback.. but you keep getting this error (must have VERBOSE set to true to catch it):

* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Can’t complete SOCKS5 connection to (2)
* Closing connection 0

Your code looks simple enough.. but it doesn’t work:

A little research later you find that the PROPER SOCKS5 protocol is SOCKS5H (hostname), so you use the proper flag..


only to get told that TOR doesn’t want to be used as an HTTP proxy (what’s the deal)?

It appears you have configured your web browser to use Tor as an HTTP proxy.
This is not correct: Tor is a SOCKS proxy, not an HTTP proxy.
Please configure your client accordingly.

Have not fear script-kiddies.. even though PHP as of 5.5.x does not seem to include this CRITICAL cURL FLAG, you can reference it directly with the integer value of 7. So… if you change your code to this… you’re as golden as the proverbial goose!


So… now you know!

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AWS EC2 Sendmail Configuration (with .procmail)

Sendmail.. how you frustrate people; but the power makes it difficult to turn away. I’ll now detail the steps required for me to setup a simple e-mail auto-processing service on an AWS EC2 instance without a dedicated hostname.

Setting up the Procmail Recepie

.procmail — you can do a lot of things with .procmail. The online resources are many, but for this example I’m going to keep it VERY simple.

First, create a procmail file in your local account. My AWS instances are CentOS based, and use the ‘ec2-user’ as the default account. I’m going to keep it simple here and stick with that paradigm.

-bash-4.1$ vi .procmailrc

I’m going to setup my .procmailrc file to look like this:


:0 # catch errors
* ^Subject: Returned mail:.*

# — auto-catches
|”$HOME/prod/MailIntake/process.mail.php” $1

Now that I have a .procmail setup… time to get down to making sendmail work.

Sendmail — allowing server to accept messages

To configure the sendmail files, I assume super user powers. If you are unable to assume superuser powers or run sudo.. I doubt you’ll be able to complete these configurations. Hopefully your responsible IT person is going to handle all this for you instead.

Main Sendmail File —

Setting up the main Sendmail file. This file is fairly large, so I’m only going to highlight the sections I felt needed to be updated.


To allow use of the AWS mail relay, defined in this section:

define(`SMART_HOST’, `’)dnl

Setup local hostname / domain identity

dnl # Also accept email sent to “localhost.localdomain” as local email.
dnl #LOCAL_DOMAIN(`localhost.localdomain’)dnl

Setting up the masquerade


access db configuration

Editing the access file to setup the local host relay, so messages can be sent from the various network interfaces on the machine. Obviously. one of those IP addresses was obscured. Where you see #private ip# substitute your AWS private IP (such as 172.123.321.1)

## By default we allow relaying from localhost…
localhost RELAY RELAY
#private ip# RELAY RELAY

## Allowed Connections
Connect: OK
Connect:#private ip# OK OK

Defining Local Hostnames — local-host-names

For my configuration, I wanted to make sure the system understood it’s local non-FQDN identitiy, so I edited the local-host-names file to include three different ways to reference the system. The AWS DSN, public IP and private IP:

vi local-host-names

Contents of my file looks like this (my file contains real IPs and hostname)

# local-host-names – include all aliases for your machine here.

The Mailer Table — mailertable

At this point I didn’t see a need to implement functions of the mailertable

Setting up trusted user file — trusted-users

Modified the trusted users file to allow my primary user, root and one alias to send mail without warnings:

vi /etc/mail/trusted-users

File contents:

# trusted-users – users that can send mail as others without a warning
# apache, mailman, majordomo, uucp, are good candidates
ec2-user, apps, proxy, root

Aliases — virtusertable

Entering user aliases to capture mail sent to various users, and route them to the local ‘ec2-user’.

vi /etc/mail/virtusertable

Contents of my file with aliases:

# A domain-specific form of aliasing, allowing multiple virtual domains to be
# hosted on one machine.
# ec2-user@localhost ec2-user@localhost ec2-user@localhost

Rebuild Settings

Run a make on the directory to rebuild the sendmail db files

make -C /etc/mail
make: Entering directory `/etc/mail’
make: Leaving directory `/etc/mail’

Restart Sendmail!

Restart sendmail… watch for majik!

/etc/init.d/sendmail restart
Shutting down sm-client: [ OK ]
Shutting down sendmail: [ OK ]
Starting sendmail: [ OK ]
Starting sm-client: [ OK ]

Rennsport Reunion V – Monterey California 2015 (photo gallery)

What an AMAZING event. A non-stop stream of Porsche Racing history!!

For this gallery I’m going to simply upload anything that looked suitable to post. Most of these are in chronological order from the event on 27-SEP-2015.

I hope you enjoy looking at these; they were a joy to experience first hand.