MGR-1B Honest John Rocket Project (DD08)

Goal of this project, is to create an authentic looking model of this rocket here, the MGR-2 Honest John tactical missile.

MGR-1A  Honest John (on left)
MGR-1A Honest John (on left)

Second of my custom rocket construction projects. This is the also the 2nd of my semi-scale rocket builds. The first (DD05 V2) was mostly a simple modification of a single rocket kit. This project is based primarily on parts from an Estes LoadStar rocket kit, with significant modifications.

I decided to start off with the most challenging part of the build. Construction of the warhead section. The orginal real Honst John (MBG-1A and MGR-1B) had a rather unique bulged section to house the warhead. It took a few days of considering several methods of accomplishing this before it was clear that no intermediate tube was even required. Having all the parts I needed already I started the build.

Original LoadStar nose code and payload adaptor
Original LoadStar nose code and payload adaptor

Normally the parts are separated at the waist section in the middle, creating a seperate nose cone and payload adapter section. That middle part was not needed at all, and if used would have created a warhead section that looked very little like the original.  To produce the desired result, the upper and lower sections would be chemically welded together.

Nose cone and adapter sectioned.
Nose cone and adapter sectioned.

Following the fusing of two sections, fine filler was applied to all the joints and mold lines and set aside to harden.

Assembled, glued and filled warhead assembly
Assembled, glued and filled warhead assembly

After the filler dried, and finish sanding completed, the assembly has taken on the desired look.  The warhead’s boat tail is shorter on my semi-scale attempt than the real rocket.  This is an important point to consider later in the project.

Final wet sanding of the nose section.
Final wet sanding of the nose section.

Checking scale of the nose and body, compared to a good side view of the real deal.   Measuring, the photo was within 80% of the size of the final product.  Considering the boat tail on my warhead section is shorter, I adjusted the body section proportion to give me a good overall length and look.   Yes, this is a semi-scale project using off-the-shelf parts.

Double checking my scale calculations
Double checking my scale calculations

To be continued….

Construction History

Began construction of custom warhead section from LoadStar nose and payload adapter.

Finish sanding of the nose section. Checking scale and calculating a reasonable body tube length.

2 thoughts on “MGR-1B Honest John Rocket Project (DD08)”

  1. Dear sirs,
    From end 1965 till middle 1967 I was in the Dutch Army (artillery)’for my number’.
    The division was equipped with Honest John rockets and, because Holland was too small to fire them, we drove with the complete division to the Lünenburger Heide in Germany to train and fire them. In that period I saw a lot of launches. A far as I remember now, Revell had (although we were strickly forbidden to take fotographs), a plastic model kit of the rocket and it’s launching truck. This kit was so accurate that you could count the drilling nails on it. Crazy situation. I still regret I didn’t buy one of this kits, then. But I am very sure they were available, cause I remember it so vividly.
    Maybe my remark can help you with your project.
    Greetings from Holland, with excusus for my rusty english,
    H.G. Klijn, Haarlem, The Netherlands (drafty 1965-4)

  2. Estees has produced a fairly accurate “mini” version that calculates out to about 1/31st scale. Now available, also, is a re-release of the old Renwal Military Wrecker truck in 1/32nd scale. The scale difference is negligible and, it is my intention to modify the wrecker into the launch platform for the Honest John which I have already built. Some modifications to the rocket include better fin assembly and more accurate launching lugs. The remainder of the kit builds out easily.

    The truck, on the other hand, will require a considerable amount of Evergreen or Plastruct sheet styrene and a considerable amount of design work.

    It is interesting to note that the particular wrecker was the primary loader for the Honest John launcher and that both vehicles shared the same frame and cabs. So, I suppose that I will have to get and build another wrecker as a wrecker.

    Good luck with your project.

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