Over the last week, I have seen a new emergency airlift helicopter landing at the hospital.
I’ve seen this airframe type in use before, but the livery is different from anything I’ve seen to date.
One of the nicer aspects of this type of aircraft is the ducted tail rotor. This abates most of the rotor noise. Although calling it quiet would be a lie, it’s a lot quieter than the Agusta A109 un-ducted tail aircraft most commonly used in this area.

It also appears to provide more room for equipment within the fuselage. I can’t guarantee that I’ve properly identified the airframe, but it appears to be a Eurocopter EC135.
Unfortunately the photos are not sharp at all! I’m not at all sure why. Using the new camera (which I know works) and my trusy 100-400 ISL Canon lens (which I also know works). Must have been the very slow (100/th sec) shutter speed I was trying to use to capture blade movement. Oh well.