Tag Archives: app

Xcode 4 – very simple way to open a website from App

This is going to be a VERY quit little missive. Basically, it’s about knowledge retention. The more I write about something, the better chance I have remembering some detail months or years hence. Today, I’m recording, for posterity (sounds pretty snooty, I know), the Objective-C command for opening a URL.

I won’t pretend to know all the details of this, and why it requires so many messages to be passed. In this case I’m admitting I was a cut-and-paste code monkey, standing on the shoulders of others. So, enough babbling, here is the meat of it. This ASSUMES you have a way to call this, such as a class method, or something. To clarity, this is writting into your implementation (.m) file.

- (IBAction)visitAuthorWebsite {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://apps.daviddemartini.com/icidr"]];

The above does NOT maintain context within your app. This tosses the user out into Safari to view the page. Had I added a URL View page to the application, it would have appeared there. Perhaps in version 2.1, but for now, for today, this works. I’ve tested it, verified it, and trust it.

Here it is again, broken out into chunks

- (IBAction)visitAuthorWebsite {
UIApplication sharedApplication
NSURL URLWithString:@"http://apps.daviddemartini.com/icidr"

I was thrilled when the example turned out to be so simple. I hope someone finds this useful.