Tag Archives: code

node.js — parse page title (simple example)

node.js — Toolkit of the Code Gods!!

Or, so some would have you believe. Is it pretty awesome, YES. I’m I sold on it yet, NO. But it’s growing on me.

Since parsing webpages has been my business for nearly 15 years now, I’ve used a lot of tools and strategies, but it was only recently I decided to try out node.js for a few of my projects.

Starting with node.js

If you are new to node.js, go check out these URLS here. They more than successfully cover getting started with node.

The goal here is to answer a question that for some reason eluded my best searches for code examples. I thought I had the syntax dialed but still saw some strange responses. This page will show you definitively how to get a page title. Every time (every time the page loads at least).

How I parsed the title off a page

Here is how I did it, using cheerio and request:

var request = require(‘request’);
var cheerio = require(‘cheerio’);

* Handle Commandline Params
var url = process.argv[2];

* Local Vars
// Define the requests default params
var request = request.defaults({
headers: { ‘User-Agent’: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0’ },

request(url, function (error, response, html) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html,{ normalizeWhitespace: true, decodeEntities: true });
var title = $(‘title’).text();
console.log(“TITLE: %j”,title);
else {
console.log(‘ERR: %j\t%j’,error,response.statusCode);

Running the example from the command line looks like this (I’m using the 1st available parameter to pass my URL, hard-coding is for fools):

node get.title.js http://www.yahoo.com
TITLE: “Yahoo”


The reason I’ve posted this blog, is that this specific node.js cheerio syntax was not clearly specd:

var title = $(‘title’).text();

Enjoy toying around with node.js to parse your super-awesome pages.

PHP array_shift() not a function for general use

While looking at metrics an monitoring the processing of a CBMHDHS*, I noticed that the active job queue would become quiescent for minutes at a time. Most markedly with the one specific tasklist. My gut told me it was an issue with the way PHP was handling my simple list (700,000 items give or take). So some performance testing was required. What I found was astonishing. PHP’s array_shift is horribly inefficient.

Here is an example to demonstrate this.

When shifting 2500 items (one at a time) off the array (list), it can take 30 or more seconds. Keep in mind this is all in memory! This test is with only 108,000 items:

2013-08-16 18:21:06 # STARTING ARRAY_SHIFT TEST: Q:108581
2013-08-16 18:21:43 # DONE removed 2500 Q:106081

It took 37 seconds, to be exact. To me, that seemed like a long time. Doing a little research I found that when you rewind an array to it’s beginning (using PHP), one of it’s side effects is that it returns the element at that pointer. Reset looks like a scary operation. It does not ‘reset’ the array in the sense of flushing it out, it just resets the pointer to the top. At any rate. the code looked like this:

$element = reset($array);

So, in theory one could use this to get the first element off an array automatically, without removing it. OK, but shift_array does this ANY removes the element. So this is not really the same action. However… (and you know there is a point there), there is another PHP function with a useful side effect. The ‘key() function‘ that returns the key value of at the current pointer (which in this case is the same location we returned the element above). It looks like this:

$key = key($array);

Now, with those two lines of code I have the element (value) and the key at the top of the array. So this is 2 lines of code where array_shift() is just one.. but we’re not even done yet.. we have to perform the most important part (for this exercise) and remove the element. So.. that’s a 3rd line of code like this, right?


OK.. so taking a line of code right out of the processor, there is a direct comparison. array_shift on the left, reset, key, unset on the right.

Array Shift method Array Reset, Key and Unset method
$key = array_shift($this->QUEUE)) {
$payload = $this->DATA[$key];
$appkey  = reset($this->QUEUE);
$payload = $this->DATA[$appkey];
$key     =  key($this->QUEUE);

What I didn’t expect to find is how dramatically FASTER the more complex (looking) code is. In The numbers don’t lie.. see for yourself.

Array Shift method.

Total time for 2500 items removed is 37 seconds:

2013-08-16 18:21:06 # STARTING ARRAY_SHIFT TEST: Q:108581
2013-08-16 18:21:43 # DONE removed 2500 Q:106081

Array Reset, Key + Unset method.

Total time for 2500 items removed is <1 second:

2013-08-16 18:21:46 # STARTING ARRAY_RESET TEST: Q:108581
2013-08-16 18:21:46 # DONE removed 2500 Q:106081

Those numbers include getting the payload data out of the 2nd array.

Mind blowing in my opinion. It’s not even a contest. Writing your own is at least 15 times faster than PHP’s native operation, that for all intents, accomplishes the same objective.

The point of all this?

If you are seeing an inexplicable slowdown somewhere in PHP.. and you can narrow it down to 1-2 operations… it’s probably worth your while to try to do it another way, even if that way looks more complex!

I could not believe this when I tried it. When I implement this in the processor, I should be able to remove hours of useless waiting to ‘shift’ items off the list. At some point I’d hope Zend would fix this. Keep in mind I ran this test on PHP 5.5.3 (the latest stable release I could get my mitts on, at the time).

*Cloud Based Massivly Horizontal Distributed Harvesting System

Installing Gearman PHP components for OSX- (less fun that it should be)


NOTES: Installing Geaman’s PHP components on OSX is a frustrating and rather complex task. Know this going in. The only way I was finally able to do this was by reading this page here, from one of PHP’s own engineers, got me pretty close but it was still not a full solution. [HERE]. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

FIRST THINGS FIRST — Get the right versions!!

Do not use gearman.1.1.7!
As of this writing (7-JUN-2013) the current version of gearmand (gearmand-1.1.7) has a bug that prevents it from properly building on OSX. I waste probably 2 days before in a deep corner of the mind I thought.. “If 1.1.7 has a known bug in OSX, and they have not fixed it yet.. let’s try 1.1.6!, and that worked!! The main Gearman download page has multiple versions so just avoid 1.1.7.

Get the lateset PHP source, (gearman-1.1.2) NOT the one linked off the Gearman page!
Yes.. this wasted even more time. The Gearman page didn’t have a quick easy link to the full set of available versions, and the linked version from the page was very much out of date. There is another build bug regarding PHP. One of the engineers decided to get fancy and change the privacy of the objects members somewhere in 1.0.x tree. This BREAKS build on OSX. They did as recently as this year release a FIX for this which is version gearman-1.1.2. All of them can be had on this page [HERE].

Getting Library Dependancies Worked Out

After fighting with source code, screaming at the screen, and even getting completely frustrated with what I was able to (or not able to) install with MacPorts.. I decided to install HomeBrew and give that a run. It’s not a big deal but I moved that to it’s own page located [HERE].

libevent must be built/installed

You’re going to need libevent, and installing it straight up from brew (nor Mac Ports) did the job for me. Check out my previous pages on installing libevent located [HERE] for details on that exciting exercise.

You Must Install Gearmand (sever) regardless

Regardless of how you plan to user Gearman with PHP, you must have the GearmanD server compiled to create the required libraries. There are no two ways about it, just resign yourself to that and keep moving forward!

First, obtain the Gearmand source code for compile from [HERE]. I dropped min in /usr/local

Unball the file and cd into source code directory, configure and build with the following commands:

david$ cd gearmand-1.1.12/
david$ ./configure -disable-shared -prefix=/usr/local
david$ make && make install

A couple of adjunct notes

If you are having problems location the libevent.. or basically seeing this error:

checking test for a working libevent… no
configure: error: Unable to find libevent

Try setting these two environment variables, to tell the configurator exactly where to locate these libraries, if you’ve managed to build libevent from source:

[gearmand]$ export CPPFLAGS=’-I/usr/local/include’
[gearmand]$ export LDFLAGS=’-L/usr/local/lib’

Gearman — Starting the Java-Gearman-Service process

These notes apply to testing on a MAC OSX portable, and may or may not apply to your implementation. They are provided as an adjunct to my main Getting Gearman Going post elsewhere in this blog.

The project page for Java-Gearman-Service is located [HERE] on Google Code.

The full set of instructions for staring up Gearman’s Java-Gearman-Service were not clearly linked to the main Gearman project page, so I’m including the link [HERE] to save you the few Google dorkings I did to find it.

Starting up the Java service should be as simple as this:

java -jar java-gearman-service-0.6.6.jar

HOWEVER, I received this instead.. an error:

david$ java -jar java-gearman-service-0.6.6.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/gearman/impl/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(ClassLoader.java:631)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:615)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:141)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:283)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$000(URLClassLoader.java:58)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:197)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)

Checking my version shows that I am on 1.6 not 1.7 as I had thought;

david$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06-451-11M4406)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01-451, mixed mode)

To get the proper version, I navigated to the Oracle page located [HERE], agreed to their terms (do I really have a functional choice… not if I want/need to use Java…) and pushed forward.

If you are running the install for 1.7, you should see a dialog like this:
Screen Shot 2013-06-03 at 2.12.16 PM

That has at least resolved this part of the issue, and will attempt to restart the server.

david$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_21"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_21-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.21-b01, mixed mode)

Now I’m going to restart, specific a custom port and get it kicked off in the background:

david$ java -jar java-gearman-service-0.6.6.jar -p6315 &

At this point the process is running on my Job Service box and next step will be to craft some code to see how it all works.

Apache Cassandra Project – processing “Big Data”

Being an old-school OSS’er, MySql has been my go-to DB for data storage since the turn of the century. It’s great, I love it (mostly) but it does have it’s drawbacks. Largest of which is it’s now owned by Oracle which does a HORRIBLE JOB of supporting it. I have personal experience with this, as the results of a recent issue with InnoDB and MySQL.

In the mean time, some of the hot-shot up-and-commers in another department have been facing their own data processing challenges (with MySql and other DB’s), and have started to look at some highly scalable alternatives. One of the front-runners right now is Apache’s Cassandra database project.

The synopsis from the page is (as would be most marketing verbiage) very encouraging!

The Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data. Cassandra’s support for replicating across multiple datacenters is best-in-class, providing lower latency for your users and the peace of mind of knowing that you can survive regional outages.

This sounds too good to be true. Finally a solution that we might be able to implement and grow, and one that doe not have the incredibly frustrating drawback of InnoDB and MySql’s fragile replication architecture. I’ve found out exactly how fragile it is, despite have a cluster of high-speed specially designed DB servers, the amount of down time we had was NOT ACCEPTABLE!).

With a charter to handle ever growing amounts of data and the need for ultimate availability and reliability, an alternative to MySQL is almost certainly required.

Of the items discussed on the main page, this one really hits home and stands out to me:

Fault Tolerant

Data is automatically replicated to multiple nodes for fault-tolerance. Replication across multiple data centers is supported. Failed nodes can be replaced with no downtime.

I recently watched a video from the 2011 Cassandra Conference in San Francisco. A lot of good information shared. This video is available on the Cassandra home page. I recommend muscling through the marketing BS as the beginning and take in what they cover.

Job graph for ‘Big Data’ is skyrocketing.

Demand for Cassandra experts is also skyrocketing.

Big data players are using Cassandra.

It’s a known issue that RDBM’s (ex. MySql) have serious limitations (no kidding).

RDBM’s generally have an 8GB cache limit (this is interesting, and would explain some issues we’ve had with scalability in our DB severs, which have 64GB of memory).

The notion that Cassandra does not have good read speed, is a fallacy. Version 0.8 read speed is at parity of the already considered fast 0.6 write speed. Fast!?

No global or even low-level write locks. The column swap architecture alleviates the need for these locks, this allows high-speed writes.

Quorum reads and writes are consistent across the distribution.

New feature of local LOCAL_QUORUM allows quorums to be established from only the local nodes, alleviating latency waiting for a quorum including remote nodes in other geographic locations.

Cassandra uses XML files for schema modifications. In version 0.7 provides new features to allow on-line schema updates.

CLI for Cassandra is now very powerful.

Has a SQL language capability (yes!).

Latest version provides much easier to implement secondary indexing (indexes other than the primary).

Version 0.8 supports bulk loading. This is very interesting for my current project

There is wide support for Cassandra in both interpreted and compiled OSS languages, including the ones I most frequently use.

CQL Cassandra Query Language.

Replication architecture is vastly superior to MySQLs transaction and log replay strategy. Cassandra uses an rsync style replication where hash comparisons are exchanged to find which parts of the data tree a given replication node (that is responsible for that tree of data) might need updating, then then transferring just that data. Not only does this reduce bandwidth, but this implies asynchronous replication! Finally! Now this makes sense to me!!

Hadoop support exists for Cassandra, BUT, it’s not a great fit for Cassandra. Look into Brisk if Hadoop implementation is desired or required.

Division of Real-Time and Analytics nodes.

Nodes can be configured to communicate with each other in an encrypted fashion, but in general inter-node communication across public-private networks should be established using VPN tunnels.

This needs further research, but it’s very, VERY promising!

NEXT: “Cassandra and Big Data – building a single-node ‘cluster’

Help for Geeks – My Development Bookmarks

I’ve thought about this many times. What info do I find useful, and would other geeks find it useful too?   Perhaps.    In that spirit here is my current list of Development related bookmarks.   Slightly organized.  You might find some nuggets of info in here that relates to a project you are working on.  Or it might spark and idea to build something new, or re-design a process that is not as optimal is you’d like it to be.

I hope some of these help, as they have helped me over the years.  One note though, I removed all my links to PHP development.  I just can’t stand using it any more, it’s just too easy to PWN.


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mod_perl documentation: This chapter provides an in-depth mod_perl 2.0 configuration details.
Dr. Dobb’s | A mod_perl 2 Primer | December 1, 2004
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mod_perl documentation: This chapter explains how to implement the HTTP protocol handlers in mod_perl.
Installing mod_perl from RPM | O’Reilly Media
It’s easy to install mod_perl using the Red Hat package manager. Configuring it is trickier.
mod_perl: Apache2::RequestRec – Perl API for Apache request record accessors
mod_perl documentation: <code>Apache2::RequestRec</code> provides the Perl API for Apache request_rec object.
How to extract name/value pairs from the query string? | ModPerl | ModPerl
How to extract name/value pairs from the query string? ModPerl ModPerl
mod_perl: Code Snippets
mod_perl documentation: A collection of mod_perl code snippets which you can either adapt to your own use or integrate directly into your own code.


Helpful XML related sites
iWeb Toolkit: XML Validator
XML Schema (REC (20010502) version, as amended) Checking Service
XML Schema Examples
Perl extension for generating XML
XML DOM – Validate XML
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Swish-e :: Re: performance aspects
Swish-e Lightning Talk
Swish-e :: Re: running out of memory during merge
Swish-e :: INSTALL – Swish-e Installation Instructions
Connecting Linux or UNIX system to Network attached storage device
Network attached storage (NAS) allows using TCP/IP network to backup files. This enables multiple servers in IDC to share the same storage for backup at once, which minimizes overhead by centrally managing hard disks. NAS …
How do I access NAS server using automount?
Network-attached storage commonly used to store backup and other shared files over TCP/IP network. For example: i) Corporate e-mail system with multiple, load-balanced webmail servers ii) Load-balanced web servers access the same contents from NAS …
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10 Steps to Installing PostgreSQL
Remote Network Commands | Linux Journal
Cikul » How to change hostname in CentOS
Thecus User Group – NFS mount failed permission denied
Thecus 1U4500 – Enable root SSH
Wahoo’s Word » Using watch to monitor Javascript
Ascii control codes (control characters, C0 controls)
DOM Based Cross Site Scripting
document.body, doctype switching, and more | evolt.org
A world community for web developers, evolt.org promotes the mutual free exchange of ideas, skills and experiences.
DOM:window.open – MDC
Welcome to Hadoop!
Internationalized domain name – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Code Charts – Scripts
ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 and Unicode characters in ampersand entities
Dig Demonstrations
Re: say if grep can find non-ascii
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J-STD-016 & MIL-STD-498 vs. DOD-STD-2167A & 7935A
DOD Standards Procedures Collection Document Listing – Page 2
Fred Morris, project management/distributed systems/practices
Info: (dir) Top
VICNET Help: Online – Web Design – .htpasswd encoder
reminders about programming: Fedora firewall setup is simple using built-in tools
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How to Obscure Any URL
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DNS BIND named.conf Parameters
Copy files and directories recursively with tar – Tech-Recipes.com
Copying a directory tree and its contents to another filesystem using tar will preserve ownership, permissions, and timestamps. A neat trick allows using tar to perform a recursive copy without creating an intermediate tar file.
Scrum (development) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Searching your files with SWISH-E
Disk I/O
Installing and Configuring iptables
How to add an external USB hard drive to your Linux server (Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Gentoo and SUSE) | my-whiteboard
Extenal USB hard disk is really useful (and inexpensive) for backing up your Linux server. Follow these steps to get it to work. 1, Buy a USB hard disk (I have
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Which browser is faster? IE7, Firefox 3, Google Chrome, Safari, or Opera? We run a bevy of tests to determine the king of the Web browser hill.
How to: Debug SSL certificate problems from the shell prompt
OpenSSL is a cryptography toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) network protocols and related cryptography standards required by them. It also includes the openssl command, which provides a rich variety of commands You can use the same command to debug problems with SSL certificates. To test the secure connections to a server, type the following command at a shell prompt: openssl s_client -connect ssl.servername.com:443 Where, s_client : This implements a generic SSL/TLS client which can establish a transparent connection to a remote server speaking SSL/TLS. It’s intended for testing …
Ascii Table – ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion
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How to Copy Files Across a Network/Internet in UNIX/LINUX (Redhat, Debian, FreeBSD, etc) – scp tar rsync
HOWTO: Installing DenyHosts – Page 2 – Ubuntu Forums
Page 2- HOWTO: Installing DenyHosts Tutorials & Tips
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using rsync to copy files from one server to another
CVS Commands
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Determines your IP address and shows information (host, location, whois…) about any IP address entered – Up to 10 IP addresses can be looked up at the same time
FC10 network setup repeatedly overwritten – FedoraForum.org
FC10 network setup repeatedly overwritten Installation Help
Interface Configuration Files
CVS revision numbers
CVS Branch and Merge example
CVS–Concurrent Versions System – Merging two revisions
Linux.com :: All about Linux swap space
When your computer needs to run programs that are bigger than your available physical memory, most modern operating systems use a technique called swapping, in which chunks of memory are temporarily stored on the hard disk while other data is moved into physical memory space. Here are some techniques that may help you better manage swapping on Linux systems and get the best performance from the Linux swapping subsystem.
Zone Files
HowTo Setup an NTP Daemon for Time Synchronization – SIPfoundry sipXecs IP PBX, The Open Source SIP PBX for Linux – Calivia
YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) Version 1.1
Trouble editing whine.txt.tmpl – What variables can I use? – mozilla.support.bugzilla | Google Groups
The Cafes » Privacy Tip #3: Block Referer Headers in Firefox
Writing Software Requirements Specifications | A Technical Communication Community
How to use dig to query DNS name servers.
Behavior Driven Development – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agile software development – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waterfall model – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia