Tag Archives: United Kingdom

Interesting Health Care conversation

While riding the ferry to Seattle yesterday, I could not help but overhear a conversation between what was most certainly (in my eye) a heavily Liberal leaning older woman, and a pair of travelers from the UK.

Talk of Tony Blair, George Bush and Gordon Brown (whom the travelers thought was a complete mistake), eventually moved onto the topic of health care. This sparked my interest.

It’s a single point. An opinion from one person whom lives in the UK, and is very familiar with England’s version of Universal Healthcare;

WA Liberal:
“How do you like your healthcare?”

He’s simple frank response.

UK Traveler:

“I’ve been waiting since April for a checkup.”

“If you have an emergency, you can get treatment.”

I would certainly hope so!!

So.. straight from the mouths of those the live under Socialized Health Care.


It was sad, but again slightly amusing, listening the Liberal try to paint our world leading health care as ‘as almost as bad as that in the UK’. Hm.. well, with Obama.. soon our health care will be worse!

At least this Liberal, and I think many more than the Democrats want to admit, think that changing the entire system to help a few with under or no insurance is a BAD idea. Anyone that’s been in a Federal program (like the V.A.) probably has an opinion on the ability of the Federal Government to administer any thing more that nt. purchase of $5000 toilets.

Now, there’s change we can all get on board with, right? Personally, this is not the sort of ‘Change’ I want, and, other than a core group of fanatics, neither does anyone else.