Granted, it’s been almost a week since the Blues flew at SeaFair 2010, but I do have a day job after all, and picking and processing photos is a time consuming affair. Regardless, here are some of the highlights from the fun on 7-Aug-2010 at the Museum of Flight in Seattle.
Weather was pretty iffy, but the Blues still few a program to the delight of thousands. Here are some of those photos:
Between myself and my daughter, we took almost 2000 images at SeaFair 2010.
In this blog entry, I will be uploading a handful that really struck me as interesting or good. Here is the first, and so far, my favorite photo from the weekend.
Sunday 8-August-2010 Blue Angles over Boeing Field - Landing Flyover
I shot this photo on Sunday, as they were making the final airfield flyover, before landing.
My next favorite is this one, which my daughter shot with a 50mm lens, standing on a chair, as they made their final flyover, before landing. I think she has an eye for photography. I checked the rest of the shots in the set, and there were no rapid frame pics, she shot this single frame. I love the composition. Lighting was terrible on Saturday when she shot this, but it still worked!
Saturday 7-Aug-2010 - Blue Angels Flyover Break
Shot by my daughter on Saturday from the Museum of Flight Cafe, as the Blues returned to land.
Tonight, the Northern Lights were visible at latitudes low enough, to be seen in the Puget Sound.
Armed with my trusty Bogen carbon fiber tripod, my 17mm F/2.8 lens and a heart full of hope, I headed out to part of the county with a Northern facing beach. A few others were there to try to take in the spectical.
Sadly fires burning in Canada to the north, provided enough haze and smoke to obscure any chance of seeing this great sight. But that doesn’t mean I might not catch it on the camera (stranger things have happened).
Tonight, wasn’t one of them, BUT I did goof around with long exposures, lighting and moving objects.
This is what I captured:
Test shot - indoorsRed sky at nightBright lights of oncoming trafficVehicle lights on the desolate road
Last shot. Reduced the time and waited for some departing traffic to pass me. A car came over the road in the opposing direction, but did not have it’s high-beams on, so shot was no totally washed out.
Vehicle lights on the desolate road
This has given me some ideas for other night photography projects. One I’d like to try is a set of long-exposure time lapse pics of the helicopters. So far, the opportunity has not yet presented itself.
Yes, Sunday was a great day for a ride. Met up with some pals in Gorst (armpit of Puget Sound) and we headed across the Hood Canal Bridge.
Oh.. we tried to cross the bridge, instead we spent a little time waiting for one of the NAVY subs to transit the canal, which requires them to open the bridge.