Tag Archives: police

Deadly Encounters with Police – 2016 [by the numbers]

You’ve likely heard about it on TV, or radio, or read it in a bird cage liner… but there is much ado about the number of police related deaths (people killed during police encounters)… and the riots that are raging around these deaths.

I don’t plan to get into the circumstances of these deaths right now… I’m just going to look at some numbers compiled buy some sort of media watchdog that… compiles the news into a fairly handy webpage. The data that I used was located here: ==> http://www.killedbypolice.net/

What did I find? You can draw your own conclusions. I’ve broken the data down in to three main sections:

Now for the data..

White: 376
unreported: 78
Black: 206
Indigenous: 21
Latino: 142
Pac. Islander: 6
Asian: 10
Other: 2
WhiteunreportedBlackIndigenousLatinoPac. IslanderAsianOther

Pac. Islander61%

Male: 795
Female: 43
unreported: 2
Transgender: 1

City Crime Incident Map – every city should have one!

I found this link of the local Kitsap area newspaper (  ) to an on-line Crime Map!    Very interesting tool to see just how bad crime is in the local area.  You can bring up all incidents in a date range, or create a sub-selection of specific crimes.

Crime Incident Map

The reports made by officers do not reflect actual criminal convictions, only the initial report taken at the scene by a law enforcement officer. Some incidents, such as suicides and rapes, aren’t published in adherence to the Kitsap Sun’s policies of what is published in the newspaper and on kitsapsun.com.

Westsoundguide.com‘s criminal incident map is made up of reports taken by law enforcement officers from the Bainbridge Island Police Department, Bremerton Police Department, Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, Port Orchard Police Department, and Poulsbo Police Department.

This seems like a really great tool for Real Estate.  Wonder if that awesome house you found for a great price, is so cheap because it’s in the middle drive-by-city?  Now you can, at least for some Norhtwest citys do just that.  LINK:  Bremerton Area Crime Map

Narcotics Activity – May 2009

Assaults – Map 2009

I applaud the paper for putting together this information.  Every locality should be required by law to produce this sort of useful map + police blotter data mining.